The Fonds Kirchberg has developed an urban development plan for the “Kuebebierg district”, which will accommodate some 3,000 homes over the next few years. This large-scale project, which responds to the theme of a short distances city, aims to meet a number of major social, environmental and economic challenges.

This new district will combine natural and urban environmental features, with public spaces linking the Kuebebierg to the urbanised areas and to the landscape (forest environment and presence of biodiversity in and around the project area) thanks to public transportation enabling soft and local mobility. The ambition of this project is to bring together several key components of the city of the future: achieving social quality objectives (diversity of lifestyles thanks to a social and generational mix), economic and ecological objectives (taking advantage of available natural resources to reduce the needs of buildings and urban spaces), with the emphasis on the well-being of individuals, in a district in symbiosis with the environment.

With this in mind, an urban farm has been created to meet the needs of Kuebebierg residents. The aim is to contribute to the city’s short-distance strategy through local production and sales, maintaining and preserving the site’s agricultural heritage, raising awareness of where food comes from and, lastly, providing a service for the upkeep and management of the district’s green spaces.

Vast areas will be set aside for this urban farm project, including professional micro-farms, solidarity or cooperative farms and, at a later date, the installation of roof gardens or vegetable gardens and orchards in the heart of residential blocks. These facilities will enable a range of multifunctional agricultural activities such as grazing and market gardening, arboriculture, educational visits, the sale of produce and a host of events and ecological awareness-raising activities.

During the exhibition, a LUGA programme will be offered in collaboration with the two market gardeners Aurel & Axel (Axel Barreau and Aurélien Galodé), who are responsible for setting up and running this urban farm.

More info about the Kuebebierg district in Kirchberg and about the Urban Farm on the Fonds Kirchberg’s website: Kuebebierg city farm – Fonds Kirchberg – Luxembourg (