The vegetation interprets the ‘song of the Alzette’, creating the link between what we perceive, the sound frequency, and what we hear, the waterfall. 

The garden project intends to play on the particularities of the site and aims to create a fairer balance between the dominant mineral infrastructures, the Alzette, plants and human.
The invisible but acoustic presence of the Alzette is staged through a frame which prints on the ground the characteristic pattern of a sound frequency by dividing the space into monochrome plant rooms, incorporating the seven colors of the rainbow. According to Isaac Newton, a link exists between color and music, which he analyzes in his work “Opticks” published in 1704, where he details an original way of conceiving the color spectrum by linking the fundamental rules of light to that of the musical scale, composed of seven notes. The sound wave is also evoked by a ribbon of aerial wicker, the plant begins to interpret the “song of the Alzette”…

The project is mainly designed using bio-sourced materials, a significant number of components come from reuse sectors and the whole is reusable or recyclable.