Experience a unique day full of activities to discover gardening techniques, our allies in the garden, compost and wildflower seeds.
#Activités et loisirs
#Guided tour
#Presentation / Screening
For everyone
As part of its pre-programme ‘Sowing in 2023, harvesting in 2025’, the LUGA invites you to an exceptional day on Saturday 5 October, during LUGA Day. Come and share some enriching moments, designed to amaze young and old alike.
10.30am to 12pm: Tuffi workshop: screening of Filmfriend : Das Kornfeld & seeds workshop
To kick off the day, we’ll be showing a captivating documentary on agriculture and, together with the children, discovering the plants and animals that live in our fields. This will be followed by a seed workshop where you can decorate a pot and sow wild flowers.
Booking: [email protected] | Ages: 4 to 10
2pm to 5pm: Reading space for young and old, with a selection of books on gardening and nature.
2pm to 5pm: Malou Biver, exhibition and workshop : Der Nutzen von Wurmkompost im Garten
Malou Biver’s exhibition offers valuable advice on how gardeners can improve soil moisture in their gardens and why worm composting plays an important role in this process. Why and how do you compost with earthworms? What are the main benefits? Discover the simple rules for producing this ‘black treasure’ and using it to benefit your plants.
3pm to 4pm: The exhibition visit is accompanied by a practical workshop on vermicomposting, where you will learn why and how to compost with earthworms, as well as the simple rules for obtaining quality compost, also known as ‘black gold’, and its benefits.
Booking: Malou Biver, Ausstellung und Workshop : « Der Nutzen von Wurmkompost im Garten » | Citybiblio
6pm: LUGA, Conference & round table : Vu Buedem, Bauzen a Biobaueren
Round off the day with a screening of the documentary Vu Buedem, Bauzen a Biobaueren, presented by Bibliothèque de la Ville de Luxembourg, followed by a round table discussion led by members of the Association pour l’Agriculture Biologique Luxembourg. An organic aperitif will be offered to round off this enriching day.
Booking: LUGA, Konferenz & Table ronde : « Vu Buedem, Bauzen a Biobaueren » | Citybiblio
Don’t miss this day dedicated to nature and gardening. Join us for a unique family experience!
Date and time: Saturday 5 October 2024, 10.30am – 6pm
Venue: 2 Rue Genistre, L-1623 Ville-Haute Luxembourg (Cercle Cité – Auditoire Henri Beck)
Price: Free
Languages: French, English, German